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Behavioural Scientist

I work with organizations to help them get better results with their customers (websites, branding, and social marketing).
To do this, I show businesses how to use psychology  -  -  to apply what we know about human behaviour to increase customer engagement and satisfaction.
It is important to understand what people actually do  - - -  and take into account both physiological reasons AND the psychological reasons  for how/why people make buying decisions, how people engage with products and how they engage with media . . . . .
Here are just a few psychological reasons consider:
  • People seek to have their psychological needs fulfilled.
  • People's brains can only process information so fast - and only in certain orders (or it won't make sense to them).
  • It is important to consider "what people want" as well as "what people think they want" and appropriately combine these for branding, marketing and the product/process itself.
Given a certain context (X), how would people behave?  
For example, website problems can be addressed by looking at issues with :
  • How people interact with the site (e.g., organization),
  • How people process the site's layout and design (from a cognitive science perspective), and
  • How products/services are branded (i.e., what physical and psychological needs does your product fulfill ?? Is the language in line with the target demographic?).
So, for website issues, I will show you a better way to re-design (with full mock-ups). 
I also diagnose implementation problems for "processes" that might not be working as well as they could. E.g., process change issues - - - E.g., social policy issues -
For process issues, I examine all of the steps in the process and provide scientifically-backed solutions in a brief write-up and/or presentation to the stakeholders.
I can rely on a lot of published research to provide quick diagnoses and suggested improvements.
However, some questions might need a bit more exploration.
I often suggest starting with qualitative research - gathering information directly from people about their experience, likes & dislikes. 
For fine-tuning, I suggest A/B testing.
(which, btw, can be done with big samples in less than a week or two - easy, peasy and not as high of a cost to your organization than you might expect).
SEE JOY RIDE  for more information
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